Rebecca A. Chamberlain: Minorităţi între bani şi suflet într-o fabrică globală din Moldova (şedinţa a 10-a)

Sîmbătă, 11 aprilie 2009, ora 10.00, la Librăria 9, str. Puskin, 9, a avut loc cea de a 10-a sesiune a Forumului Plural care a avut-o drept invitată pe antropologa americană Rebecca A. Chamberlain (care îşi va sustine curînd teza de doctorat la celebra London School of Economics and Political Science).

 Titlul comunicarii: "'We Want a Psychologist!': Minorities between Money and Soul in Moldova's Global Factory." ("Avem nevoie de un psiholog!" Minorităţi între bani şi suflet într-o fabrică globală din Moldova).

Rebecca A. Chamberlain is a PhD Candidate in Social-cultural Anthropology at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), specializing in the political-economy of conflict, including transnational dimensions and local-level sources of separatism. As a former FCO-sponsored Marshall Scholar to Great Britain, she holds MSc and MA degrees from the LSE and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies/University College London. Chamberlain worked as a US Department of State (IREX Title VIII) "Embassy Policy Specialist" at the US Embassy Chisinau in summer 2007. Chamberlain lived on both of Moldova's river banks, including in the separatist Transdniestrian region, for almost two years in 2004-06 for the study Manufacturing Separatism: Transnational Economy, Identity, and State Formation on a Post-Soviet Frozen War Front, supported by several Title VIII/US Department of State academic fellowships. She is a contributor to Weak State, Uncertain Citizenship: Moldova (Heintz ed., Frankfurt & New York: Peter Lang, 2008). Prior to her research on the Republic of Moldova, Chamberlain investigated issues of ethnicity and conflict in Bosnia and Croatia, as a Rotary Foundation Scholar, writing opinion-editorials on the Kosovo conflict for several major American newspapers.

Publicaţii recente:

 "The Transnistrian People?: Citizenship and Imaginings of 'the State' in an Unrecognized Country." Ab Imperio [Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space]. Vol. 4, December 2006, pp. 371-399. (published under Chamberlain-Creanga, Rebecca). The same article was also published as a chapter in Monica Heintz (ed) Weak State, Uncertain Citizenship: Moldova, pp. 103-124. In Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia, Chris Hann series editor. Frankfurt, New York & Oxford: Peter Lang, 2008.

